Hope For Nauru


Hope for Nauru was founded in early 2018 by five Australian women who met while volunteering for a refugee group. The horror that people fleeing persecution and tyranny in their homelands were forced into indefinite detention inspired them to initiate a formal charity to assist these refugees. Since its creation, it has been committed to providing material aid to the refugees and asylum seekers being held in offshore detention on Nauru and Manus Island. In addition, Hope for Nauru aids refugees and asylum seekers in Australia by offering referrals to local refugee services and organisations as well as offering a one-off package of new clothes to refugees transferred onshore for medical treatment.

About Hope for Nauru:

Hope for Nauru is a social organisation which aims to provide positive and compassionate support to asylum seekers and refugees. By communicating directly with refugees on Nauru and Manus Island who are in urgent need of essentials, and preparing and sending care packages, Hope for Nauru aims to maintain a lifeline of support against the odds. They also work to provide, on a provisional basis, minimal material ad social support to refugees and refugee families living in Australia.