Maharastra Institute of Games + Sports (MIGS)


The Maharastra Institute of Games & Sports (MIGS), Pune was founded by Late Mr Tukaram Jagannath Naik (commonly known as T.J. Naik Sir) more than 40 years ago. Late Mr Naik was a renowned boxer who won several prestigious tournaments on a club, state and national level. After boxing professionally at the highest level, he began coaching from small premises before shifting his organisation to the Nehru Stadium, Pune in 1985. Despite his unfortunate demise in 2011, his passion and legacy have been kept alive thanks to the support of the community of boxers that worked and played under his guidance.

About MIGS:

MIGS, Pune is a leading institute with a long-standing reputation in the field of boxing. Since its establishment more than 40 years ago, MIGS has developed numerous boxers who have gone on to play on the state, national and even international level. MIGS’ primary goal is to popularise boxing across all communities and continue developing talented boxers to play at the highest possible level. 

How to help:

MIGS relies heavily on the support of sponsors to uphold Late Mr T.J Naik's dream of coaching the future boxers of India. 

Choose Your Cause is collaborating with MIGS for a short-term project with the target of $375 AUD to aid them in buying a new boxing mat for young players to train on. To assist us in this project, please donate to MIGS through our donate page.
