The East West Foundation (TEWF)


Driven by his passion to give back to his country, Dr Natteri V. Chandran founded The East West Foundation (TEWF) in 1992. His desire to aid rural communities to flourish led him to focus his foundation’s primary work on the rural, fishing communities of Edaikazhindadu Town Panchayat, situated in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, India. Since its commencement 29 years ago, Dr Chandran has established fundraising organisations in Australia, the USA and the UK to support their charitable work in India. 

About TEWF:

TEWF is a not-for-profit, volunteer-driven foundation committed to achieving the development and empowerment of socially and economically marginalised communities in rural India. From providing primary health care to remotely educating children and adults using mobile computer buses, TEWF operates across five pillars of service: healthcare, children’s rights and welfare, education, community development and environment. Through their incredible work across these pillars of service, TEWF continues to benefit a total of 24 villages with a collective population of 40,000+ people. 

How to help:

TEWF relies solely on the support of donors and sponsors from across the world to continue to do the incredible work they do in remote villages.

Choose Your Cause is collaborating with TEWF for a short-term project with a target of $800 to cover their operating expenses for a day. To assist us in this project, please donate to TEWF through our donate page. 
