The Highlands Foundation


The origins of The Highlands Foundation (THF) can be traced back to 2003 when Marie Treloar (THF President) visited Goroka Hospital in the Highlands, PNG among a group of midwives from Bendigo Hospital. After returning home, she shared her experiences with her friends and family which sparked an interest amongst them to contribute towards improving health outcomes especially for mothers and infants in the Highlands. Inspired by their interest, THF was born in 2004.

About WeForest:

The Highlands Foundation is a registered not-for-profit organisation based in Melbourne, Australia that works towards providing funds, equipment and training opportunities for healthcare centres in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea (PNG). Across their 15 years of operations, the Highlands Foundation team have worked on numerous projects in PNG to realise their vision of strengthening the existing healthcare facilities in PNG with the aim of decreasing infant and maternal mortality and morbidity rates in PNG.

Their current projects include:

  • Providing 'Mother and Baby packs' containing essential items needed to minimise complications of infections and hypothermia

  • Providing 'Health Worker Kits' with vital equipment to support birth attendants in delivering births outside of hospitals

  • Delivering medical supplies and training programs to aid under-resourced hospitals in remote Highlands